Little Lacy Gift Pouch

Little lacey gift pouch

Little lacey gift pouch

I found this on Ravelry, called Shell Pouch and Gift Bag by Carola Wijma. (Her website is Carola Mania (you’ll have to use Google translate.) I made it with DMC perle cotton/#5, and an E/3.5mm hook. It’s a little tiny thing! The finished size is 2 5/8″ wide x 5″ tall. It’ll make a nice little gift bag for some earrings or some such.

Crocheting with sore ol’ hands

When I first started crocheting, I had real trouble crocheting with tiny yarn and small hooks. Ugh. I have big hands and felt oh so clumsy. And trying to hold the tiny thread’s tension with my little pinky was killing me. I had a little bit more luck this time around; I wrapped the thread around my pinky an extra time, and that seemed to give me more control without having to squeeze the thread—which is what hurts my joints. (Even with fat yarn I re-taught myself to keep my pinky and ring finger held out straight instead of curling them around the yarn… I was getting to where I couldn’t OPEN my fingers back up, after just a little while of crocheting! But keeping my fingers straight and just squeezing the thread between my pinky and ring finger, held out straight, seems to work—for the fatter yarn, like sport weight through bulky.)

Anyway, here is my little pouch. I really love it.